For belonging, connection, &love

Designed for meaningful connections.

Values-based matching

Form a lasting relationship 💕 by uncovering your personal values using our research inspired evaluation. 📚 We will then match you with people who share those values.
We've all been on apps that foster cheap connection. We want to be different. While building believr, our intention was to create a space that promotes compatibility through shared values.

Community Spaces

Connect with other users while talking about what matters to you. 💬 We are cultivating a space for LGBTQ+ Christians to create belonging through meaningful ✨ conversations.
In a world where the digital often overshadows the physical, we wanted to mimic a natural starting point for meeting new people by creating authentic conversation.

Privacy Settings

Control what information you share. Nearly every part of your profile has a privacy setting so that you can share only what you want. 🔑 Regardless of your journey, our primary concern is for you to feel safe and secure.
We know how important it is for LGBTQ+ Christians to feel safe. We haven't always been afforded a space where all of us is celebrated. So if you're still figuring this out or if you're firm in your convictions, you get to decide what information you share.

Customizable Profiles

Express yourself through your tailored profile. 👤 Want your bio to be the first? Great! Want to show off that smile? Cool! 🕶 We want you to own your first impression.
Profiles ... We get it. Pretty basic. But we knew we wanted to give you choice, empowering you to determine how you want to express yourself. That's why we give you lots of options so that your profile reflects you best.

Thoughtful Preferences

Within believr, preferences are limited to age and gender identity. ✅
We believe our culture has created a climate that encourages a build-your-own-partner mentality. Preferences and filters can limit our opportunities to connect with others because society tells us what we should want. Our belief is that everyone is unique and worthy of connection, worthy of love, and we wanted to encourage more opportunities for connections, including ones you might not have seen coming.

Trust and Safety First

Feeling unsafe within the app? That's not okay. 👎 Safety is our number one priority, and we've made blocking and reporting simple. 👍
It is our goal to create as safe a space as possible, while respecting your privacy. Trust and safety are vital to a healthy community, and that's what believr is all about. We will do all we can to protect that space and you. Feel free to check out or Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for a more explicit walkthrough of what trust and safety looks like within the app.

Community dashboard

Our community is incredible! 🙌 The dashboard is a curated space where resources will be featured to connect you to the larger community.
Yes, we're about connection. Yes, we're about you finding a partner. But we also want to highlight our community and connect you with meaningful resources. Churches, Podcasts, music, movies, books, conferences, and other resources will all be selected with you in mind.

Direct Messaging

No winks, no likes, just straight to talking. 🐝 We want you making meaningful connections 🌼 as quickly as possible.
Relationships are a process and take time, which is why we've been intentional about slowing down the amount of connections every user will have in a given week. We want to cultivate all kinds of connection, not just partner seeking.

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