
Photo Contest

Photo Contest
Brandon Flanery
Photo Contest

Calling all photographers! And yes we mean all! We don't care that you mainly take photos on your severely outdated flip phone or if you have gear for days. We want you! More than that, we need you! And here's why:

In the course of building believr, we scoured the interwebs, looking for LGBTQ photos to utilize on our site, app, and social media accounts. What we found was heartbreaking—there really aren't a lot of images out there showcasing our love. The LGBTQ community is underwhelmingly represented in this venue.

We. Want. To. Change. That.

But we need your help.

From now till October 11th, National Coming Out Day, we are calling anyone who has a camera (and a decent eye) to get out there and saturate the internet with LGBTQ images. Well, not the whole internet. Specifically Unsplash.

Unsplash the internet’s source of freely usable images. We wanted to utilize their unique platform, so that creatives everywhere can use your amazing photos, continuing to proliferate LGBTQ images everywhere. Cool, huh?

Everyone who adds at least one photo will get one month free of spectrum: believr's limitless-feature experience. But there’s more! On top of awarding all participants with a free month of believr, we are also awarding prizes! The top three winners will be awarded cash.

3rd place: $100

2nd place: $200

1st place: $300

And the top 10 people will get some SWAG.

Here's how to enter:

1. Own the rights to the photo you submit. Please make sure you have consent and a signed photo release form from everyone you're photographing. Here is a fairly standard Model Release form if you're looking for one.

2. Create an Unsplash account, if you don't have one already.

3. Upload images (To be clear here, we're looking for anything that positively represents LGBTQ+ people. This could be a person holding a pride flag, a cute couple kissing, partners holding hands... You get the idea. We want images with a sense of warmth and belonging, that are safe for all ages to see.)

4. Add the tags: believr, lgbtq, and any others that are relevant to the image (gay, lesbian, trans, queen, non-binary, etc) the important one is believr - to be entered to win you must have tagged believr.

5. Get friends and family to view your Unsplash photos.

The account with the most amount of likes by October 11th wins the $300! WHOOT!

Now get out there and take some pictures! Tell your photographer friends! Gather models! We've got this! Let's change the amount of freely useable LGBTQ images on the internet. We can do this!

Legal note - make sure you have consent and a signed model / photo release from everyone you're photographing and by entering this contest you promise not to sue us!

Photo Contest

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